Thursday, August 14, 2014

Voy a Reveni la Moldova

At the moment I lie in my bed at home, finishing my post I began but could not finish due to a number of factors (including a large presence of jet lag). I successfully returned home from Chișinău, Moldova on Friday evening around 7pm. Leaving the capital's miniature airport aboard a Lufthansa aircraft, I was distracted and flustered. Every moment while sitting on the plane waiting for take off, I kept thinking how I would not see Moldova again for a long time. My emotions were roiling inside and as we took off, tears came to my eyes as I watched the vineyards, farms, and sunflower fields grow smaller with each minute. But I soon experienced a peculiar feeling of peace and weariness and fell asleep. I woke up in time to enjoy the landing and promptly switched flights to board my connection to Boston.

On this second Lufthansa airplane I had the pleasure of sitting next to a lovely woman who was on her way to see her son and his family in Boston. We chatted easily about any measure of topics and life stories that came to mind. As the drinks trolley came around she enlightened me with the knowledge that alcoholic drinks were free on this flight, so I decided to take advantage of that and savor my last few hours being of legal drinking age. We ordered a few glasses of wine as well as a couple glasses of Bailey's with ice and had a very pleasurable flight! I also finally watched Divergent, something I had been meaning to do for a while. Still need to read the book, of course!

Our pilot's landing in Boston was so smooth I felt somehow cheated out of the adrenaline rush I always look forward to when flying. Out of customs I had minor difficulties with Customs and the baggage claim officials with the wine I had listed in my suitcase, but all ended well and I walked out of Terminal E with a peculiar sense of quiet accomplishment, finality, numbness, unspoken sadness, and fatigue.

I have now kept myself so busy that I have found it too difficult to wrap up my blog! The next couple days I woke up bright and early to drive to Devens and play in the Summer Club Championships for Bacon, my Sudbury Ultimate team. I couldn't ask for a better way to return home and spend my first days on American soil, albeit being a tiny bit out of shape. I savored the feeling of a full field, running down full-field hucks, and throwing long-distance hucks. Thanks Bacon for a short but sweet season!

Each night after a full tournament day I returned home absolutely exhausted as a combination of lack of exercise and jet lag. As such I fell asleep trying to upkeep the blog and obviously, failed. Better late than never! My mother and I also left to drive ourselves and the trailer to Nickerson State Park the next morning, which involved copious amounts of packing and planning in quite a short time, the usual for our family. Subsequently, I had no access to wifi until, well, now. I know, excuses galore, but I also believe it was my subconscious who was unwilling to finish my abroad experience; therefore these last couple posts have been extremely difficult and arduous for me to write. However it is completely necessary so stay posted!

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